The previous tutorial covered a bunch of the basics with some pretty straightforward data, and was more focused on how R works. Now we’ll be looking at slightly more complicated data (species data), which will require learning some fancier data handling.
One of the biggest challenges of working on global change issues in South Africa is not having easy access to the country’s long-term weather records.
This tutorial relies on data provided as supplementary material for the paper Slingsby et al. 2017. Intensifying postfire weather and biological invasion drive species loss in a Mediterranean-type biodiversity hotspot. PNAS.
If you’ve opened this post, you’re clearly interested in learning R and probably don’t need much convincing, but I’ll provide a few quick reminders just to keep your morale up. If your morale is pretty good, feel free to jump to the sections where I explain How best to learn R (including installation), and Where to find good resources.