
Near-real time forecasting and change detection for an open ecosystem with complex natural dynamics

[Access the paper here.]( Managing fire, water, biodiversity and carbon stocks can greatly benefit from early warning of changes in the state of vegetation. While near-real time tools to detect forest …

Protea demography

Exploring drought impacts on the demography of serotinous Proteaceae


Developing remote-sensing tools for natural resource management

Altered ignition catchments threaten a hyperdiverse fire-dependent ecosystem

[Access the paper here.]( Human activities affect fire in many ways, often unintentionally or with considerable time-lags before they manifest themselves. Anticipating these changes is critical, so that insidious …

Fire and life history affect the distribution of plant species in a biodiversity hotspot

[Access the paper here.]( Aim: Species distribution models (SDMs) provide valuable insights into species--environment relationships and potential climate change impacts on diversity. Most SDMs do not account for the …

Do Mixed Fire Regimes Shape Plant Flammability and Post-Fire Recovery Strategies?

[Access the paper here.]( The development of frameworks for better-understanding ecological syndromes and putative evolutionary strategies of plant adaptation to fire has recently received a flurry of attention, …

Intensifying postfire weather and biological invasion drive species loss in a Mediterranean-type biodiversity hotspot

[Access the paper here.]( Prolonged periods of extreme heat or drought in the first year after fire affect the resilience and diversity of fire-dependent ecosystems by inhibiting seed germination or …

Processes of community assembly in an environmentally heterogeneous, high biodiversity region

[Access the paper here.]( Despite decades of study, the relative importance of niche-based versus neutral processes in community assembly remains largely ambiguous. Recent work suggests niche-based processes are …

Diversification of C(4) grasses (Poaceae) does not coincide with their ecological dominance

[Access the paper here.]( PREMISE OF THE STUDY: The radiation of a lineage and its rise to ecological dominance are distinct phenomena and driven by different processes. For example, paleoecological data has been …

The assembly and function of Cape plant communities in a changing world

[More on the book here.](