
What Are the Grand Challenges for Plant Conservation in the 21st Century?

[Access the paper here.]( Conserving plants in these turbulent and rapidly changing times is challenging, but nevertheless essential to the well-being of humans and all organisms on our planet…

Identifying research questions for the conservation of the Cape Floristic Region

[Access the paper here.]( We conducted a survey among people working in the nature conservation community in an implementation, research or policy capacity to identify research questions that they felt were …

Priority questions for biodiversity conservation in the Mediterranean biome: Heterogeneous perspectives across continents and stakeholders

[Access the paper here.]( The identification of research questions with high relevance for biodiversity conservation is an important step towards designing more effective policies and management actions, and to better …

Spatial patterns in small wetland systems: identifying and prioritising wetlands most at risk from environmental and anthropogenic impacts

[Access the paper here.]( This study establishes whether analysing the distribution patterns of wetlands could identify key systems that would focus conservation and management decisions, …

Seedling recruitment responses to interventions in seed-based ecological restoration of Peninsula Shale Renosterveld, Cape Town

[Access the paper here]( Peninsula Shale Renosterveld, a Critically Endangered ecosystem, requires ecological restoration intervention on transformed areas. Yet there is little guidance due to very few …

Fynbos: ecology, evolution, and conservation of a megadiverse region

[More on the book here.]( South Africa's fynbos region has intrigued biologists for centuries. It has achieved iconic status as a locus of …

People, the Cape floristic region, and sustainability

[More on the book here.]( remarkable biodiversity of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) is examined in much of this book from an ecological and …