
Intercontinental divergence in the climate envelope of major plant biomes

[Access the paper here.]( Aim: Convergent evolution and environmental filtering are assumed to often result in deterministic patterns of vegetation structure and function in relation to prevailing environmental …

Effects of root competition and soils on seedling establishment at the ecotone between an arid grassland and succulent shrubland in South Africa

[Access the paper here.]( Questions: What are the effects of root competition from mature plants and soil type on the survival and growth of dominant grass and succulent shrub seedlings at an ecotonal site between …

Competitive interactions between grass and succulent shrubs at the ecotone between an arid grassland and succulent shrubland in the Karoo

[Access the paper here.]( Nearest-neighbour analysis was used to examine the competitive interactions between Stipagrostis brevifolia, a C4 perennial grass, and two leaf succulent shrubs, Ruschia robusta and …