
Locating and Dating Land Cover Change Events in the Renosterveld, a Critically Endangered Shrubland Ecosystem

[Access the paper here.]( Land cover change is the leading cause of global biodiversity decline. New satellite platforms allow for monitoring of habitats in increasingly fine detail, but most applications have …

Rates and patterns of habitat loss across South Africa's vegetation biomes

[Access the paper here.]( The loss of natural habitat resulting from human activities is the principal driver of biodiversity loss in terrestrial ecosystems globally. Metrics of habitat loss are monitored at …

Analysing biotic communities

The previous tutorial covered a bunch of the basics with some pretty straightforward data, and was more focused on how R works. Now we’ll be looking at slightly more complicated data (species data), which will require learning some fancier data handling.

Identifying research questions for the conservation of the Cape Floristic Region

[Access the paper here.]( We conducted a survey among people working in the nature conservation community in an implementation, research or policy capacity to identify research questions that they felt were …

BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene

[Access the paper here.]( Motivation: The BioTIME database contains raw data on species identities and abundances in ecological assemblages through time. These data enable users to calculate temporal trends in …

Intensifying postfire weather and biological invasion drive species loss in a Mediterranean-type biodiversity hotspot

[Access the paper here.]( Prolonged periods of extreme heat or drought in the first year after fire affect the resilience and diversity of fire-dependent ecosystems by inhibiting seed germination or …

Processes of community assembly in an environmentally heterogeneous, high biodiversity region

[Access the paper here.]( Despite decades of study, the relative importance of niche-based versus neutral processes in community assembly remains largely ambiguous. Recent work suggests niche-based processes are …

Producing a plant diversity portal for South Africa

[Access the paper here.]( Taxonomy provides a universal method to classify biodiversity at different scales locally and globally. Currently, existing taxonomic treatments are scattered, limiting their accessibility and …

A novel phylogenetic regionalization of phytogeographical zones of southern Africa reveals their hidden evolutionary affinities

[Access the paper here.]( Aim: Although existing bioregional classification schemes often consider the compositional affinities within regional biotas, they do not typically incorporate phylogenetic information …

Geography, climate, and biodiversity: the history and future of Mediterranean-type ecosystems

[More on the book here.]( The world's mediterranean-climate regions all have mild, winter-rain climates that have developed over the past several …